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Our Philosophy and how it supports the principles within our mission statement by the use of loose parts as our provision.

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Mission Statement

We passionately believe that it is the right of each and every child to be recognised as a unique and truly valued individual. Through praise and encouragement, they will develop a positive self image and the belief in their own self worth.

We provide high quality opportunities and experiences, to enable each child to develop a knowledge and respect for each other, the environment and their wider world. We believe that this will empower every child to fulfil their holistic potential.

We welcome our children and all those involved in their well being into our preschool community.


As a UNICEF Accredited Rights Respecting Preschool, which is at the heart of our ethos, we recognise that children have the right to be listened to,respected, valued and protected from discrimination. As a Healthy Early Years Accredited Preschool we believe that every child has the right to be able to make healthy choices informed by their own knowledge and understanding. We strive to offer the very best opportunities to enable them to develop these vital life skills.


The partnership begins with the initial stay and play visits to the setting.These visits enable us to get to know each other.It is during these visits that the relationship bond between the key person and child begins to develop.


Information shared allows us to plan and prepare for them to begin their journey with us, taking into account the specific needs of each and every child and their family.


A subsequent home visit helps to build trust and provides an additional opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have, and what we can do to reduce them.


For more information, please refer to our PROSPECTUS 

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